Je Souhaite

Je Souhaite

Mulder: The trick is to be specific. To make the wish perfect. That way, everyone is going to benefit. It's going to be a safer world, a happier world. There's going to be food for everyone, freedom for everyone, the end of the tyranny of the powerful over the weak. Am I leaving anything out?
Scully: It sounds wonderful.
Mulder: Then what's the problem?
Scully: Maybe it's the whole point of our lives here, Mulder -- to achieve that. Maybe it's a process that one man shouldn't try and circumvent with a single wish.



っていうか要するにMarita Covarrubiasな頃のローリ・ホールデンは見た目最高。俺のちょうど一年後輩なんですが。