
'Web and Enterprise Architecture Design Patterns for J2EE'
おそらく、ここでいうEnterprise Architectureは、今私の周りで静かなブームを呼んでいるEAとはちょっと違うみたい。

EAといえば、EA SportsのNHL 2004. デモをダウンロードして試した。毎年、これ以上のできのゲームはありえねーと思ったが。またも最強の出来。 はー、これで新しい3Dカード購入かあ。ちなみに、EA SportsのWebサイトはやたらと落ちる。このしょぼさは結構異常。

What is the dominant semantics of 'EA'?
An O’reilly's (probably) brand new book: Web and Enterprise Architecture Design Patterns for J2EE. It looks an interesting book for me. I would like to read the chapters about security. Incidentally, this EA does not mean the term ‘EA’ that has attracted the 'silent' attention of people around me lately.
By the way, the word, EA reminds me of NHL 2004 published by EA sports. I try playing the premier demonstration of it. It’s THE GREAT ONE! It'Ss superior to the SUPER MARIO! Every NHL **** (**** denotes the year when it was published) was the greatest one at that time. So is NHL 2004. To improve the performance of this game, I must purchase a newest 3D graphic card for it, it is going to unexpected expense... Besides, the Web Site of EA Sports is often unavailable, it is especially awful…