
基本的に私の仕事環境では、マイクロソフトをほめることはアリエネーって雰囲気が蔓延だが、私自身は、基本的に好き。 なんせ、結果的にWindowsは使いやすいぞ。どう考えても。おれに問題意識がなさすぎなのかねえ。

He is my elder by just two years.
Longhorn, which is the next OS of Microsoft. A 33-years old man is managing its production. He is my elder by just two years. Of course, he should be respected.Besides, Microsoft is also great because it confides such a important task to a young man though he has an excellent managing faculty. At least, such a situation is inconceivable in my company. I understand the title of this article, which is "Microsoft is still attractive to excellent persons."