Good-bye, UBR

IBMUDDIのパブリックレジストリ、すなわちUBR(the UDDI BusinessRegistry)の運用を辞めるようだ。

In February 2005, the Version 3 of the Universal Description, Discovery and Integration (UDDI) V3 was approved as an OASIS standard. Having achieved that milestone, the companies hosting the UDDI Business Registry (UBR) evaluated the results of hosting a reference implementation for the UDDI technology. Over the past five years, as Web services applications have matured, the role of UDDI based registries has also evolved in part based on testing experiences with UBR. Registries based on UDDI have been established within enterprises and organizations and have an important role in Web services business applications. The availability of UBR provided valuable validation and guidance during the early days of UDDI. Now that the benefits of this technology have been realized and many organizations have established their own UDDI registries, the IBM-hosted UBR will be discontinued.


  • 初期では、大きな役割を担っていた。
  • 技術検証として非常に有意義であった。
  • 現在は、その役割を終えつつあり、発展的な解消をする時期だ。

