Rest in Peace

Howard Gobioffさんがガンで死去

It is with great sadness that I write to you today. I don’t know how some of you know Howard, but your email address was in his phone. Howard passed away this afternoon at approximately 1pm after a battle with lymphoma. He was originally diagnosed in 2003 with a non-aggressive type of lymphoma and chose not to tell anyone including his family. On 1/31/2008 he was admitted to Memorial Sloan-Kettering hospital with pneumonia and found that the cancer had transformed into something more aggressive. He asked me to come up on 2/8/2008. Two days later he was admitted to the ICU and I informed the rest of his family. For the last 31 days Howard put up quite a fight but eventually acquired an infection that his body was no longer able to fight.

彼がCMUの学生だったころ、私の会社に交換留学生のような形できており、一緒のチームで働いていた。私が入社3年目だったと思うが、すごく頭のいい人だなあと思っていた。その後のGoogleでの活躍は皆さんの知っている通り。GoogleFileSystemのアーキテクト東京研究所で活躍していた。まさかなくなっているとは。。。 いつも会社のトレーニングジムでトレーニングをしていたり、カラオケでHighwaystarを歌っていたりしていたのをすごく思い出す。ご冥福をお祈りするばかりです。。。