unconditional effect

From public-sws-ig@frink.w3.org,

この前書きなぐった論文で,私がunconditional effectの例としてあげていた,認証の際のロギングによる効果が,偶然このMLでが,「”そんなもの 無条件な効果といえないわ” by モニカ」というやりとりになっている.
いきなり出鼻をくじかれた予感. 次ぎのメールで「”そういういいかたをすれば何でもそうなるわよ,抽象化って意味をちゃんとわかっている?(多少意訳)” by シエラ」とちょっとお怒り気味. シエラがんばれ.
I am wondering if this is really unconditional. The bank would allow me to login only if I am a registered user. So if the condition: validUser(UserID) is true only then the bank login process would be executed and the date and time would be recorded and considered as an effect, which actualkly makes it a Conditional effect.

  • Monika

Sheila McIlraith wrote:

>It is possible to have an unconditional effect. Off the top of my
>E.g., Imagine that everytime you log onto your online banking system,
>the web service records the date and time that you logged on. That's
>an unconditional effect of executing the bank-login process.
>On Fri, 16 Jan 2004, Monika Solanki wrote:
>>It is possible to have unConditional output for a service, however is it
>> possible to have "unConditional Effect". I am not sure about that If
>>someone can provide me with an example, it will be great.